Procurement Log

Automated, custom material tracking.

The old way

Manually make & maintain your logs.

Inefficient. Starting a log from scratch every project.

Unreliable. Always having to fix formulas.

Manual. Always re-opening excel to update.

Disconnected. No easy way to take notes, connect to information.

Distracting. Keep getting pulled by other tasks in email or excel.

Delayed. Turns out the switchgear is late.

Boring. It’s hard to make excel look good.

Stressed. The project feels out of control.

The new way

Let Roger build & update your logs.

Instant. Just click a button and your log is ready-to-go.

Unbreakable. No one on your team can mess up your formulas.

Ai-assisted. Just text Roger and it’ll update the log for you.

Integrated. Add notes, view history, and see every linked email.

Focused. Send emails, read replies, make updates in one spot.

On-time. Meet deadlines, and don’t spend hours worrying.

Beautiful. Custom statuses, owners, and branded to impress.

Relaxed. Roger’s got your back.

↓ Start your log.

Import an existing Excel File, or start with our award-winning template. Invite your team. You’re all set and ready to go.

→ Enter your materials.

→ Let us do all the work.

Start your log.

Import an existing Excel File, or start with our award-winning template. Invite your team. You’re all set and ready to go.




Start using Roger today.

Start using Roger today.