FPI Builders

"With the collaboration and being able to get all your logs in one place, it really helps the project teams see what all needs to be done on the project in one location… [to] really see what needs to be done to make the project successful. It's really just a unique product: it's easy to use; it's just been great."
– Sterling Barnett, Senior Project Manager at FPI Builders


FPI Builders is a medium-sized commercial construction firm located in Fort Worth, Texas. The bulk of their projects are faith-based / religious buildings, although they also work on warehouses, municipality buildings, retail, and private schools.

Sterling Barnett, a senior project manager at the firm, recognized that project managers and project engineers try to do most of their work in Outlook, which inevitably distracts them from the things the need to get done that day. To solve this issue, Sterling set out to find a platform that would act as a centralized location to hold the team's tasks and logs to increase organization and focus.

Why Roger

The search for a tool that centralizes all of a team's tasks and logs led him to Roger. Off the bat, a few things struck him about Roger:

  • Collaborative: teams can share task boards / logs, assign items to individuals, and update logs at the same time (no version control issues!)

  • Ready-to-use AND custom: the best-in-class task and log templates that come with Roger can easily be customized in the admin portal

  • Training-oriented: admins can use the workflow builder to create automations that can update logs and remind users when to follow up on key items

Solution and Results

Interested in what Roger could do for his team, Sterling reached out to Elijah, the COO and Co-founder of Roger. Elijah provided Sterling with some of Roger's best-in-class task and log templates. He then taught Sterling how to easily customize fields and add automations to these templates in Roger's "Admin Portal."

Since picking up Roger, Sterling has built a PR log, a Request for Proposal log, and a Procurement log for project teams across the company to use. He also used Roger's workflow tool to automate these logs so that his team is reminded to follow up on specific items depending on key deadlines. Better yet, since these logs are connected to each user's Outlook account, Sterling and his team are able to do all their emailing from their logs—without going into their Outlook accounts and getting distracted.

A few months after Sterling's team's pilot, FPI Builders rolled out Roger to the entire company. Just like that and the company got rid of complicated and non-standardized spreadsheets and exchanged them for Roger's automated, interconnected, collaborative logs.

Other Case Studies: Swinerton Estimating | Herrero Builders

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