Herrero Builders

"Even just today I was thinking about the new project I'm joining, and I just had the most random idea for a lol pop up in my head, and I was like, 'I am only going to use Roger to build this log and make it work.' You guys are the only company that has the tools to build it, and it's going to be something I am going to use to really track some critical schedule items. I'm really excited to build it."
– Claire Smythe, Assistant Project Manager at Herrero Builders


Herrero Builders is a general contractor that is based in the Bay Area. They mainly focus on healthcare projects, private schools, and a little bit of commercial work. 

Excel didn’t cut it. Claire Smythe, an assistant project manager at Herrero, had been using Excel for her submittal logs and procurement logs. Although she would try to tie them to her project schedule, she described the process as “glitchy.” In addition to there being a limit to what she could do functionality-wise with her Excel logs, she notes how the logs would sometimes not save her team’s updates — because the spreadsheets were saved over the cloud, they would lose data and progress if the they did not sync correctly or if there were too many individuals in the file at once. Lastly, when she would move from one project to another, it wasn’t easy to reuse the templates from her former project.

Because of these limitations, Claire was looking for a solution that had more functionality than her previous Excel log and, at the very least, would be easier for her team to collaborate in safely.

Why Roger

The desire for a log that was both highly functional and reliable led Claire to Roger. 

Roger is the perfect mix of flexible and structured. Claire said she chose Roger because “it is the most flexible type of software that I have seen that also still has structure. It is not so flexible that you’re like ‘I have to code everything myself to create the features I want,’ but it’s a perfect mix of having structure, but also lots of flexibility that we can do what we need to do and build the logs we need.”

Roger is always up-to-date. In addition, Roger is always live and is always updated, so data is safely captured at all times. It is also cleaner than her old Excel logs.

Roger’s team is always available and open to feedback. Finally, Claire said that before a tool is brought into their inventory, Herrero’s innovation team specifically looks at the availability of the company that develops the tool. Claire says that “Roger has been fantastic” in that regard, and that there is always an “open line of communication” with Roger.

Solution and Results

Roger logs save tons of time. The result for Claire and her team: cleaner logs with more functionality that are always up-to-date, resulting in lots of time saved. 

Documentation is faster and more organized. As Claire says, “It’s a lot faster. It just has made my workflow a lot easier on some of the more boring documentation tasks that I need to do. It’s also made my documentation a lot cleaner, a lot more organized, and it’s easier to just go through and follow up with people because it is so much clearer on my Roger logs.”

Other Case Studies: Swinerton Estimating | FPI Builders

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